Shelle of Shellez Creations needs our help! On May 6th 2009, Shelles ex-husband, Brian, passed away. They shared two children together, one of which lived with him. Shelle immediately started taking action to get her oldest daughter back home with her, but because he had custody before he passed away and he was married things aren't as simple as Shelle just going and getting her.
The guardian ad litem assigned to the original custody case informed Shelle that she will need to retain a lawyer and file a motion. The police aren't able to help her either. In order for her to be able to get a lawyer for a decent rate she will have to file for a financial hardship and that could take up to 8 weeks. That's 8 weeks too long, considering the woman that her daughter is now with wouldn't even let Brian and Shelles other child see him before he passed away in the hospital. She is now not accepting phone calls from Shelle or letting her daughter talk to her.
Shelle is a wonderful person and would do anything for anybody without thinking twice. She is always the first person to jump in and help whenever it is needed.
Katelynns Designs ( store) will be selling a charity scrap kit especially for Shelle, all money received will go straight to Shelle to help her get enough money together to obtain a lawyer and file the motion that is needed.
If you are a designer and would like to contribute to this kit please contact me at for more information. If you are not a designer and would like to help out you may make donations or you can purchase the upcoming kit.
**Please pass this around and post this anywhere you are allowed, we need all the help we can get.**
Thank you for your time!
"Thank you so much for your interest in my designs! Please remember that a little bit of luvin goes a long way to keeping designers like me offering you great freebies like these!"
Please be sure to visit me at the forum!
If you use a freebie of mine with the intention of placing it for sale, my design MUST be altered in some fashion. DO NOT SELL MY DESIGNS AS IS! My designs may be used in a kit or package intended for sale in its org form ONLY if proper credit is given to me as the designer of the items in question. These TOU are subject to change at any time
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