Update On my health as of saturday 4-25-09

Saturday, April 25, 2009

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Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes. I had another DR appointment yesterday and come to find out I have Pneumonia. Isn't that just wonderful.! That is the reason or one of them that I have been feeling so sickly. On some good drugs to kill it and starting to feel a little better. Hopefully in 5 days when I'm done taking the new meds I will be up to preforming my forum duties. Love and miss you all.... Especially you LauraLee


"Thank you so much for your interest in my designs! Please remember that a little bit of luvin goes a long way to keeping designers like me offering you great freebies like these!"

Please be sure to visit me at the forum!


If you use a freebie of mine with the intention of placing it for sale, my design MUST be altered in some fashion. DO NOT SELL MY DESIGNS AS IS! My designs may be used in a kit or package intended for sale in its org form ONLY if proper credit is given to me as the designer of the items in question. These TOU are subject to change at any time

Lady Shannon


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